AGM & Joining Dots

Dear CSC Global Alumni family,

It’s been a busy year or two and despite having achieved some early wins there is still so much more ahead of us.

Thank you to everyone who has had input so far.

Post our formal AGM on the 8 February 2021, the CSC Global Alumni Board will be hosting a strategy dialogue session.

In this session we hope to hear from you on how best we can Join Dots and Build Bridges for the future of the CSC Global Alumni community. The primary questions we want to answer are:

  1. What? 
  2. So what? 
  3. What now? 
  4. What should we be focusing on in the coming year? 
  5. Why is this important? 
  6. What is the obvious next step?

In order to give you some context to the conversation we are including a link below to a variety of presentations that were done for an HRH event late last year. They provide great insight into what our alums are doing around the world and are a good start towards considering the landscape in which we can already join dots and build bridges.

To join our conversation please register here:

We look forward to an engaging and stimulating conversation on the 8th February.

Warmest regards,

The CSCGA Board