CSC Canada

CSC Canada 2022 Announcement (Postponed Until 2023)

We’re proud to announce the launch of CSC Canada 2022.  

The Canada 2022 Commonwealth Study Conference opens on May 27, 2022, bringing together 300 of the world’s most promising emerging leaders from business, government, labour, and the community sector.

As a CSC global alumni, you know personally the value of the Conference experience. Over two special weeks, CSC2022 members will explore leadership together through a unique program of new experiences, intensive travel, very different perspectives, and challenging dialogue with their peers from around the world.

You can get involved by visiting the Conference website
 here to:

  • Help organize in your home country
  • Express your interest in a reunion of global alumni
  • Update your own contact preferences
  • Support CSC2022 members who may need bursaries