Re-CONN+CT: Reconnecting with your cohort

We have heard your feedback and we are embarking on a new series events to bring alumni together in the study conference groups.

The series is called Re-CONN+CT.  

Given the current social-distancing environment, these events will also be conducted online.  The big advantage is that we will be able to bring more people together at the same time, and save time and money.

The first event will bring together participants in the 2015 CSCLeaders Commonwealth Study Conference.  You can register here

To help us find all those alumni whose details are out of date, please find any photos you might still have from our programme and post them on our social media platforms:


Please also use the hashtags:

  • #RememberWhen 
  • #TagAnAlumni 
  • #CSCGlobalAlumni 
  • #ConnectingCommonwealthLeaders

Please get in touch if you’d like to host a Re-CONN+CT session and we’ll help facilitate and support you!