The Chairman’s end of year message

Friends and colleagues, greetings! I trust this finds you and your families safe and well wherever you are in the Commonwealth or indeed across the world.

The end of year is a time for us to pause and to reflect.

COVID has put the spotlight firmly on the things that matter: our family, our friends, our community and our planet.

One of the big lessons for me from COVID has been the ability to invest in ourselves – to find ways to be the best version of ourselves.

And I’m really proud that CSC Global Alumni offers that opportunity.

The CSC Global Alumni provides us with a really unique opportunity… and that is to collaborate with one another and with people from all across the Commonwealth.

We were able to very quickly pivot and change direction into the digital space when we realised we weren’t going to be able to physically come together.

That’s provided further opportunities to engage with one another.

One of the things we realised was that we’ve increased our level of engagement and our aspiration in 2021 is to take it to another level.

But it needs you.

You’re the missing link.  

In February of 2021, the board will meet for its annual general meeting.

Over the coming weeks, you’ll receive some communication from my colleagues on the board inviting you to consider how you might re-engage or even engage with CSC Global Alumni.

Seasons Greetings and take care.

Michael Wright, Chairman

[Click here for Michael’s full message]